Riding Lessons

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My name is Maria Gass and I teach riding lessons

Hello everyone I have been riding horses since I was a year old which is my passon. I have been riding in competion and western pleasure since I was 5 yrs. old. I have broke & trained horses with my dad since I was 5 yrs. old. I also have been teaching riding lessons since I was 18 yrs. old and love doing it. I have worked for alot of horse stables pretty much all my life and been around horses and owned my own horses all my life. I also have a wonderful husband and 2 wonderful girls that are 10 & 13 yrs. old that have the same passion for horses as I do.  So that pretty much sums up my horse life. I would love to pass my passion on to new riders. 

Website created by: Maria Gass Drover's Run Horse Riding
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