
All the events that I offer

Riding Lessons

Everything you need to know about taking care of and riding a horse: Grooming A Horse,Tacking Up A Horse, Learning How To Ride A Horse, Untacking A Horse, and Cleaning up a horse

Birthday Parties

I will bring the horses to where you are having your party as long it is a place where horses are allowed. Each rider will get one ride except the birthday child will get 2 rides. Each rider will be led around by me or my husband or one of my employees.

Trail Rides

This will included a guided 1 to 2 hour trail ride.  Weather permitting. 2 Person minimum


This will include a horse for just the bride or 2 horses for bride and groom.

Photo Shoots w/Horses

This will include at least up to 10 photo shoots with one of my horses.

Website created by: Maria Gass Drover's Run Horse Riding
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