Let's Horse Around

Riding Lessons,Birthday Parties,Trail Rides,Weddings,Horse Photo Shoots

Drover's Run Horse Riding

We are a small business starting out and we use our own horses for all our events. We are a family owned business. All our horses are safe and we only use certain ones for our lessons and trail rides. I do run specials during certain months of the year for all our events & special ocassions. Right now I am running specials on all my events for the months of Nov. & Dec. Please contact me for more details. I also have Gift Certificates that you can purchase for my Riding Lessons & Trail Rides. We are located in Seffner,Fl

You can learn to how to Ride & Have Fun

You will learn everything you need to know about a horse: How to take care of them,Groom them,Tack them up, and Ride.

Riding Lessons

All Riding Lessons are 1 hr. long they are $30 per hour. 


Bride & Groom: $275

Bride or Groom Only: $200

Birthday Parties

Up to 10 Riders it is $275 for 2 hours. More than 10 Riders it is $300. If we take Photos for you there will be an extra fee for the printing of the photo's or to put them on disk for you. 

Trail Rides

$40 Per Rider 2 Person Min. The Trail Rides are up to 1 to 2 hours long with weather permitting.

Horse Photo Shoots

Up To 10 Photos it will be $150 & More Than 10 Photos it will be $200

Dozens of satisfied riders

Here are some photos of our riders. First photo is a riding lesson, Second photo is of a birthday party, and the Third photo is one of our trail rides.

Riding Lesson
Riding Lesson

"A very happy 4 yr. old on her first horse riding lesson for her birthday"

Birthday Party
Birthday Party

"Very Happy Birthday Girl"

Trail Ride
Trail Ride

"One of our successful Trail Rides"

Want to become a horse rider come check us out!

If you are interested in anyone of our events or have any questions please feel free to contact us at:

Call us: 813-527-4053 (Maria) or 813-482-8586 (Joe)
Email us: chigtrfan1554@gmail.com

Website created by: Maria Gass Drover's Run Horse Riding
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